Thursday, March 20, 2014

Managing Flares

Hey All.

I thought I would do a post on how I am managing my flares. Now, I am not saying that everything works as it really is trial and error. I have been in a constant flare for a good solid 3 months. Within that time, I have had huge flares within the flares (I am now coming out of one) that puts a stop to all activities. Doing everything I can do on my end to avoid them is crucial, because there's no need to make matters worse. I hope that these tips can help some folks!

This one is HUGE for me. Early on, I noticed that what I eat has a huge impact on the severity of the flare. This goes back to June of last year when I had started to unknowingly go through my first withdrawal. If I eat the wrong thing, I will pay for it in the form of blisters, hives, severe swelling, and of course, The Ooze. It started with gluten, but as time went on, I have noticed more and more triggers. I decided to just make a Do Not Eat list and put it up on my fridge.

The potatoes I'm not too sold on and haven't cut them out completely, but I will be reducing nightshades. Also, I need to watch spicy stuff. Once I feel the flush of heat in my face, I know I've had something I shouldn't have! It is a pretty restrictive diet, but let me just say this: Thank God for vegan, gluten free and paleo baking recipes!

I'm pretty spartan when it comes to skincare. When I am in the midst of a big flare, I really can't stand for anything to be on my skin. Right now, I am only moisturizing on my face. Jo, a fellow TSW-er, said that she found withdrawing from moisturizers really helped the condition of her skin. I tried it and while my skin was really tight, I was not going crazy with the itching and actually got a couple decent nights of sleep. Thanks Jo! 

After this last mini flare, I decided to just moisturize my face and neck because of the severe cracking of the skin. So my new routine is this:

-Wet a cotton ball with water and wipe down my face and neck
-Soak another cotton ball with witch hazel and pat over face and neck
-Follow with either jojoba oil or shea butter.

This new routine I feel has helped the healing process on my face. As for the rest of me, I just let the water from the bath or shower moisturize my skin. I will have to see how this goes for a bit longer.

Baths and showers:
When I can tolerate them, baths and showers are helpful. With my showers, the only product I use is Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle body wash. It helps soothe  the itchiness without further drying my skin.
As for baths, I find putting a ton of epsom salt helps with the swelling of my legs, and generally soothes the skin. 

Keeping my nails short help with the scratch-induced wounds, but I only wish I knew how to get rid of this itching! Antihistamines, sleeping pills, wearing long sleeves and pants to bed and keeping myself busy help me to not think about that itching so much. Hoping it eases up soon because it drives me mad!

I have been swollen to some degree since....well for almost a year I guess. The new doctor I went to on Monday suggested that I try water pills. I started them last night and hopefully that helps a great deal. I am really hoping for a reduction in my legs, arms,face and neck. 
Another thing I try to do is get some exercise in. I hope that light stretching and low impact exercises. I have to be careful not to exert myself too much though. 

Hahah. I'm trying! Having a positive attitude really helps with this. Playing Borderlands 2 with Brad helps. Listening to Efterklang's live version of "Cutting Ice to Snow" and Mary Mary's "Get Up"is wonderful too. You can't help but smile after listening to them. 
As for completely getting rid of my stress? I wish. 
Epsom salts and vitamins are a must for me.

I'm not saying that the things that work for me will work for others, but maybe some will. The forum has great suggestions to ease comfort from people all over the world. I have definitely picked up some suggestions myself. The most important thing to remember is that time is the only thing that will heal the body. I will probably do a post soon about the mechanics of this beast and how it affects the whole body. 


But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 41:3

1 comment:

  1. Brandis,

    Hi, I have had the opportunity to read your blog. I happen to also see that there may be credence to another blog ( that you might want to take a look at. I have used mangosteen for the last 8 years and have found the properties of this fruit to be very good. You may want to research it further to confirm that its use as applied to you may be to your liking. You may find resources for powder on line or give me a shout and i can point you in a direction that will get what you need. You may even find a mangosteen at the market.
    You have a good man in Brad. Good choice. Hope to hear of your success with overcoming what you have been battling.

    God be with you,
    Uncle Jim Bradley
